Thursday, September 1, 2011


Hello, our team is team one. The team members include Brad Schneider, Lauren Wildman, Steven Kolpack, and Jordan Landwehr.
Our blog is about the good, the bad, and the ugly of different leaders of corporations. We will discuss the issues of ethical and unethical leaders and how they influenced their businesses and the business world.
Examples of different leaders we might talk about is Steve Jobs from Apple and former Governor of Illinois, Rob Blagojevich on their ethical or unethical behaviors.
We invite others to give their opinions on ethical and unethical actions of different leaders.


  1. I think a major leader in our world that has come out to be a scandal and unethical leader is former Illinois Governor Rob Blagojevich.
    As a leader, he lost all respect from his followers, people of Illinois, and even the entire country after he tried to sell of Barack Obama's senate seat.
    (Brad Schneider)

  2. Good thought Brad. I agree with you on that thought, even after the last governor went to jail he thought he was untouchable and could do whatever he wanted. At least we can see that our court systems still work!

    I think the opposite of the spectrum would be Oprah Winfrey. She was born into poverty and she rose above it to become one of (if not the most) influential women. She does not use her fame to try to con people out of money, or back door deals. She tries to make communites a better place and sometimes it does not work. But to me she tries her hardest to be ethical and she personally donates more money than any other star in America.

  3. I think we can all agree that what Blagojevich did was unethical and I think that's a great example of an unethical leader. Leaders should lead by example and I don't think Blagojevich did a good job of that.

    Oprah Winfrey is a great example of an ethical, hard working leader, that many people can look up to. Oprah has a spotless record and I think it's hard for anyone to find something bad to say about her.

    I think the most famous unethical leader has to be Hitler. He was responsible for the death of millions of people and was not worried about doing whatever it took to get his way.

  4. Yeah, I'd agree Hitler is by the most unethical leaders our world has ever seen. Another leader that was very ethical in our history that we could bring up too is Martin Luther King Jr. He influenced many people into putting and end to discrimination.

  5. Martin Luther King Jr. had a positive impact on so many people, and he is a great example of an ethical leader. So many people looked up to him as a leader and he used that popularity to get a positive result.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. To me Hitler was a task behavior leader. He did not care about the relationship side of anything. He knew he wanted to take over the world and he knew he had to find some way to do that. I would call Hitler an "Authority-Compliance Management leader." He used the people closest to him to carry out his plan without worrying about their feelings or the people that would be hurt because of him.

    Oprah on the other hand is a relationship oriented leader. She is interested in the end result but she cares more about the people. I would place Oprah as a "Country-Club Management leader." Her focus on her show was inspiring people and stressing the needs of her followers.

    These two people are the opposites of each other and the actions they took have shown why they are where they are on the leadership grid.

  8. I agree with Jordan and Brad I think that Martin Luther King Jr. was if not the most ethical and influential leader of all time, because of his ability to fight for the rights of African Americans.

    Also another ethical leader that stands out to me is Ronald Reagan a man who was president in a very scary moment for the whole world and safely ended the cold war with the USSR.

  9. I agree with Lauren on her perspectives of who was task and relationship. I believe Martin Luther King was another huge relationship leader along with Oprah.
    I believe with all these leaders we're looking at we can also look at the three components of the skills model, along with the tasks and relationships aspects of the leaders like Lauren brought up.
    For example, when looking at Martin Luther King Jr., I believe he had great motivation and a personality. I think the competncies were very key with Martin Luther King Jr. as well. For example, he had outstanding social judgement skills because he had the abiility to work with others to solve problems. He also had good problem solving skills because the fact that he helped solve racism in America. These competencies lead to his effective problem solving.
    (Brad Schneider)

  10. I agree with Lauren in that Hitler was sometimes a task behavior leader. On the other hand, Hitler was concerned with building some relationships, and he did a good job in building some of those relationships.
    One reason Hitler was so powerful was because he had very loyal followers. Hitler was such a good speaker that he was able to shape the minds and change the ideas of many people and make them his followers. I think Hitler was very concerned with building a strong relationship with his followers, and as a result, he was able to build a strong bond with his followers. Hitler also built a strong bond with Mussolini, and that bond became instumental in the Axis Powers' dominance early in the war.
    I agree that Hitler was an Authority-Compliance Management Leader because he placed little emphasis on the people around him, and placed more emphasis on the job at hand.

  11. A Different Steve Jobs Departs This Time
    By: Rick Wartzman

    In this article they explain that regular CEO's of a company that originally created the company are usually ousted because they don't have the management skills to coach up the employees.And with Steve Jobs this actually happen in 1985. When Steve came back in 1997 he was a changed man and wanted to get Apple back on track and so he did. With Steve Jobs great leadership skills he was able to change his style and make the customer and employees look up at him with his referent power.

    With Jobs coming back in 1997 he was pretty much well known as a solo act. To improve this he surrounded himself with a great team that will take the torch now that jobs is gone. The old Jobs would of never of been able to surround himself with talented people.

    It took a lot of strong willed leadership to be able to leave his creation in these peoples hands but with is leadership he was able to create a well liked atmosphere and got the talent that is running the company now.

  12. Apparently, how to make an individual blog post was not clear to your team. You should have each made your own individual posts (not comments to the introductory post). To each of the individual posts, your team members could post their comments. I would encourage you to visit some of the other team blogs to see how they did their posts.
